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2022. The Democracy Game Box includes eight printable analogue games, two of which are also available in a digital version. [»]
Johanna Flach, Niklas Krüger, Francis Stieglitz, Amanda Warner, Rebecca Welge (2022): Demodice.
Mike Cotterell, Patrik Kessler, Rebecca Welge (2022): DrawTheLine.
Oana Bajka, Johanna Flach, Sabine Jenni, Laura Junglas, Corina Leca, Calin Rus, Saskia Ruth-Lovell, Timea Serb, Rebecca Welge (2022): Observers
Robert Lovell, Ramon Martinez, Calin Rus, Timea Serb (2022): Competence card game
Carlos Carmona, Corina Leca, Ramon Martinez, Jordi Sabari (2022): Deckmocracy
Saskia Ruth-Lovell, Robert Lovell, Laura Junglas, Johanna Flach (2022): Participedia
Sabine Jenni, Patrik Kessler, Robert Lovell (2022): Utopia
Games developed by the Erasmus+ project Democracy and Games: Analog and Digital Game-Based-Learning Tools for Youth Work Demogames (2019-2-DE04-KA205-018330)

2021. Eine grafische Reise durch die Welt des Internets – von Aufbau bis Zugang [»]
Freyburg, Tina; Garbe, Lisa; Wavre, Veronique; Universität St. Gallen (Hrsg.). Deutschsprachige Übersetzung: Freyburg, Tina; Welge Rebecca, 2021. 40 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-9525450-2-7
Wissenschaftliche Forschung in Form von anschaulichen Kurzgeschichten illustriert, Beteiligung an der deutschen Übersetzung.

2021. Materialbeiträge auf
Populistische Einstellungen – die Mischung macht‘s?! Kartenset zur Reflexion und Diskussion von Populismus und populistischen Einstellungen [»]
Let‘s Play Demokratiebarometer. Kartenspiel zur Auseinandersetzung mit Demokratien in verschiedenen Ländern [»]
Mehr als eine Demokratie. Interaktive Legemethode zur Reflexion und Diskussion verschiedener Demokratieverständnisse [»]

2019. Let's Play Demokratiebarometer [»]
Ruth-Lovell, Saskia; Rebecca Welge; und Robert Lovell (2019) «Demokratie und Spiele: Let’s Play Demokratiebarometer, print & play Materialien», Demokrative – Initiative für Politische Bildung,

2016. Demokratiebausteine [»]
Konzept und Materialerstellung in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Sabine Jenni. Auseinandersetzung mit demokratischen Grundsätzen und (Werte-)Kontroversen, angeleitete Lernmodule zu den Themenschwerpunkten Mitbestimmung, Mehrheitsentscheide und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit.


Bücher, Buchbeiträge und mehr

Welge, Rebecca (2022): Contributing Author of Chapters (Democracy and Games 2; Democracy Game Box 3.4, 3.6), in The Demogames Facilitator's Manual, Democracy and Games – Analog and Digital Game-Based-Learning Tools for Youth Work [»]

Ruth-Lovell Saskia, Welge Rebecca, Lovell Robert (2019) Teaching Democratic Norms and Values with Analogue Games. In: Peters M., Heraud R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer, Singapore [»]

Welge, Rebecca; Ruth, Saskia P.; Lovell, Robert A. (2018). Spielentwicklung als Lehrinstrument. Eine Handreichung mit forschungsbasierten Beispielen zum Thema 'Demokratie'. Abschlusspublikation des Projektes 'Brettspiele in der Lehre - Das Forschungsthema Demokratie als Bildungsspiel', finanziell gefördert im Rahmen des kompetitiven Lehrkredits 2016 der Universität Zürich.

Welge, Rebecca, Ziegler, Béatrice (2016). Die Rezeption des Beutelsbacher Konsens in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz, in: Benedikt Widmaier; Peter Zorn (Hrsg.) Brauchen wir den Beutelsbacher Konsens?, Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn. [»]

Welge, Rebecca (2011). Making the most out of it? Chances and challenges of EU Citizenship Rights, in P.Cunningham & N. Fretwell (eds.) Europe’s Future: Citizenship in a Changing World. London: CiCe, pp. 356 -366.

Welge, Rebecca (2011). All Equal, All Different? European Citizenship and Emerging Opportunity Structures for Individuals, in Srdjan Jovanović Maldoran (ed.) Citizenship, Inclusion or Exclusion. A contemporary Survey, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, pp. 41-49.


Publikationen in Zeitschriften

Welge, Rebecca (2020): Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) Pilot Project Report, in: Patricia Hladschik; Claudia Lenz (eds.) NECE focus group on ‘Competences for Democratic Culture’. Recommendations and documentation, pp.17-25. [»]

Welge, Rebecca (2019): Populismus und die Schweizer Demokratie, vpod bildungspolitik 213: 10-12. [»]

Welge, Rebecca (2019): Kleine Reihe Hochschuldidaktik Politik (Review Buchreihe), Swiss Political Science Review, early view, [»]

Welge, Rebecca; Ruth-Lovell, Saskia; Lovell, Robert (2018): Using (non-digital) games to teach and learn about Democracy, in: Ramon Martinez; Georg Pirker (eds.) STEPS -Survival Toolkit for EDC in Post-factual Societies. STEPS project,, p.93f. [»]

Scherz, Antoinette; Welge, Rebecca (2015). Union Citizenship Revisited: Multilateral Democracy as Normative Standard for European Citizenship, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41(8): 1254-1275. [»]

Vorstellung des Artikels in CIS News Migration and Multiculturalism 2015 (No.25): 19 [»]

Welge, Rebecca (2015). Union citizenship as demoi-cratic institution: increasing the EU's subjective legitimacy through supranational citizenship?, Journal of European Public Policy 22 (1): 56-74. [»]

Welge, Rebecca (2014). Normative standards for citizenship in multilevel systems and the empirical outcomes in the European Union, NCCR Democracy Working Paper Series No 63. [»]

Welge, Rebecca; Kubitschko Sebastian (2011): Mobility and the Quest(ion) of Legitimacy, Open Citizenship, Issue 2: 77-82. [»]


Welge, Rebecca (2022). 'Commitment to peace and human rights: games, insights from a field worker', Workshop Contributor, RECI thematic day 2022, Reframing Education for a Sustainable World: How to Support Teachers and Learners as Agents of Change to Achieve SDG 4.7?, Berne (CH), 16 November 2022.

Welge, Rebecca (2022). 'Der Blick über den Tellerrand: Integrierte Perspektiven der politischen Bildung', Readerbeitrag & Input, Fachtagung Haus am Maiberg Nur noch schnell die politische Bildung retten…?!, Heppenheim (D), 10-11 October 2022.

Welge, Rebecca (2021). 'Game-Based-Learning in EDC/HRE, Analog and Digital Games about-for-through diversity, democracy and human rights', ifA 2021 CCI programme, Workshop Session, Online, 28 September 2021.

Welge, Rebecca (2021). 'Methods to strengthen democratic culture in the field of Social Work', International Workshop, REDE - Resilience Through Education for Democratic Citizenship, Online, 27 April 2021.

Welge, Rebecca (2018). 'Education About, For, and Through Democracy', Workshop Session and Input. SemiFit for HRE, Almuñécar, Spain, 1-6 December 2018.

Welge, Rebecca (2016). Rapporteuring. Panel discussion and Workshop: Educating for Engagement, Civic Education Conference (CEC), Tunisia, 13-15 May 2016.

Welge, Rebecca (2014). ‘EU Citizenship Statuses and Political Membership: Increasing citizens’ perceptions of efficacy and satisfaction with democracy through European Citizenship?’, 23rd IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Montréal; Québec, Canada, 19-24 Juli 2014.

Welge, Rebecca (2013). ‘Multilevel Citizenship and Democracy’, Memo to be discussed at the workshop Understanding the EU and its Crisis through the Lens of Demoicracy: A Conversation, NYU Law School, 7-9 März 2013.

Welge, Rebecca (2011). ‘Chances and Challenges of EU Citizenship Rights’, paper presented at the ECPR General Conference 2011, Reykjavik (Iceland), 25-27 August 2011.

Welge, Rebecca (2011). ‘Making the most out of it? Chances and Challenges of EU Citizenship Rights.’ Paper presented at the 13th Children’s Identity & Citizenship in Europe Annual Conference (CiCe), 9-11 June 2011, Dublin.

Welge, Rebecca (2011). ‘All Equal – All Different?’, paper presented at the 6th Global Conference Pluralism, Inclusion, and Citizenship. A Diversity Recognition Project, Prag (Czech Republic), 11 – 13 März 2011.

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