Demokrative | EN

demokrativelogotextDemokrative - Call for Participants: Democracy and Games
Demokrative announces the opening of applications for the selection of young people for the “DEMOGAMES C1” Youth Exchange, within the framework of the European Union Erasmus+ program.

DEMOGAMES LOGO WHITE smallSeptember 2020, 25th - 30th, Almuñécar, Spain (/ or local groups & online meetings!)
5 days of meeting, playing, discussing, designing...

  • Participants will play and playtest board games,
  • practice their creativity in design activities, and
  • learn about democracy.

Please find more information in the [» Demokrative - E+ DEMOGAMES C1 call for participants].
Deadline for applications is 15th of July. This is a rolling call – it might be that we select earlier, if enough aspirants were contacting us.

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